The JCSP aims to assist students in tracking their progress and achieving success alongside The New Junior Cycle.
The JCSP is a national programme that was set up by the Department of Education and Skills, over 20 years ago. Originally, it was aimed at students who were at risk of being socially or academically isolated or at risk of early school leaving before the Junior Certificate had been completed.
Nowadays however, there are new challenges with the demands of the new Junior Cycle and in our school, we run the programme as resource classes or during Irish language class times. Students usually keep a JCSP folder and this helps them to track their progress and achievements. On completion of the programme – at the end of 3rd Year – participating students receive a profile, which is an official record of their achievements from the Department of Education and Skills, along with their Junior Cycle results.
Our school is lucky to be one of just 226 in the country who run the JCSP and can offer this extra support.